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    Success Speakers

    1. Andy Andrews

      • Seven Decisions (120 minutes)

    2. Art Williams

      • Just Do It (22 minutes)

    3. Bill George

      • 7 Lessons for Leading in a Crisis (7 minutes)

    4. Blaine Athorn

      1. Memory Power Part I (70 minutes)

      2. Memory Power Part II (44 minutes)

    5. Bob Farrell (Founder of Farrell’s Ice Cream Parlor’s)

      1. Give Them the Pickle (17 minutes)

      2. I’ll Be Back (25 minutes)

    6. Bob Proctor

      1. Born Rich (300 minutes)

      2. Science of Getting Rich

        • Part I (54 minutes)

        • Part II (50 minutes)

    7. Brian Tracy

      1. 5 Steps to Goal Setting (24 minutes) 

      2. 7 Secrets of Success (24 minutes) 

      3. 10 Keys to a More Powerful Personality (64 minutes) 

      4. Achieving Personal Excellence (90 minutes) 

      5. Achievement in Action by Brian Tracy (45 minutes) 

      6. Weekend Event in Dallas Part 1 (77 minutes) 

      7. Weekend Event in Dallas Part II (50 minutes) 

      8. Challenge of Leadership (91 minutes)

      9. Deseret Crossing by Brian Tracy (33 minutes) 

      10. Developing Personal Power by Brian Tracy (27 minutes) 

      11. Executive Time Management (61 minutes)

      12. Financial Planning for Solid Growth (80 minutes)

      13. Getting Mentors for Success (26 minutes)

      14. Making It a Great Life (26 minutes) 

      15. Negotiating Skills (26 minutes)

      16. Programming Yourself for Success (27 minutes) 

      17. The Psychology of Achievement

        1. The Psychology of Achievement (15 minutes)

        2. 7 Mental Laws (30 minutes)

        3. Unlocking Your Potential (30 minutes)

        4. Your Subconscious Powerhouse (15 minutes)

        5. Taking Charge of your Life (15 minutes)

        6. Eliminating Negative Emotions (22)

        7. Releasing your Brakes (30 minutes)

        8. The Worry Buster (15 minutes)

        9. Programming Your Mind for Success (30 minutes)

        10. Changing Your Self-Concept (30 minutes)

        11. The NEW Mental Diet (30 minutes)

        12. Software for the Brain (25 minutes)

        13. Rapid Learning Techniques (25 minutes)

        14. Relaxation with Music (20 minutes)

        15. 5 Keys to Goal Setting (40 minutes)

        16. 12 Steps to Goal Achievement (35 minutes)

        17. Time Management Strategies (15 minutes)

        18. Doubling Your Brianpower (20 minutes)

        19. Tapping Your Inner Genius (40 minutes)

        20. Creative Problem Solving Techniques (30 minutes)

        21. Increasing Your Energy Levels (25 minutes)

        22. The Mind-Body Relationship (25 minutes)

        23. Eliminating Stress and Tension (40 minutes)

        24. Developing a Success Personality (25 minutes)

        25. Building Superior Relationships (25 minutes)

        26. How to Raise Super Kids (26 minutes)

        27. Fine Your True Purpose in Life (8 minutes)

      18. The Psychology of Selling

        1. Introduction to Selling (13 minutes)

        2. Keys to Psychological Selling (13 minutes)

        3. Unlocking Your Potential (13 minutes)

        4. Formula for Building Self-Esteem (13 minutes)

        5. The New Model of Selling (13 minutes)

        6. Building Trust with Customers (13 minutes)

        7. 7 Secrets of Persuasion (12 minutes)

        8. Why People Buy (12 minutes)

        9. How to Qualify your Prospect (12 minutes)

        10. Using the Power of Suggestion (12 minutes)

        11. Mega-Credibility in Selling (12 minutes)

        12. Creative Selling Techniques (12 minutes)

        13. Telephone Techniques (12 minutes)

        14. How to Approach your Prospect (12 minutes)

        15. 1000% Formula for Income Building (12 minutes)

        16. Mental Preparation for Selling (12 minutes)

        17. Buyer Personality Types (12 minutes)

        18. Sales Presentation Skills (12 minutes)

        19. How to Handle Objections (12 minutes)

        20. Recognizing 9 Types of Objections (12 minutes)

        21. Closing Requirements and Signals (12 minutes)

        22. Dealing with Price Resistance (12 minutes)

        23. Money and Price Objections (12 minutes)

        24. Overcoming Obstacles to Closing (12 minutes)

        25. 7 Closing Techniques and Developing Referrals (12 minutes)

        26. Set and Achieve Goals (12 minutes)

        27. Maximizing Selling Time (12 minutes)

        28. Turning Time into Money (12 minutes)

        29. Going for the Gold (12 minutes)

        30. 10 Keys to Success in Selling (12 minutes)

        31. Business to Business Selling (12 minutes)

        32. 4 Keys to Strategic Selling (12 minutes)

        33. Consultative Selling Techniques (12 minutes)

        34. ROI Selling Skills (12 minutes)

        35. Pathways to Personal Progress (12 minutes)

      19. Reengineering Your Life (26 minutes) 

      20. Science of Positive Focus Part I (57 minutes) 

      21. Science of Positive Focus Part II (64 minutes) 

      22. Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires (66 minutes)

      23. Service Excellence (27 minutes)

      24. Setting Your Priorities (24 minutes)

      25. Stop Worrying, Start Living (26 minutes)

      26. Superior Sales Management by Brian Tracy (58 minutes)

        1. The Pivotal Skill (20 minutes)

        2. Managing and Leading (17 minutes)

        3. Planning for Success (16 minutes)

        4. The Sales Plan (16 minutes)

        5. Recruiting Salespeople (16 minutes)

        6. Interviewing and Selection (21 minutes)

        7. Communicating for Results (19 minutes)

        8. Motivating Salespeople (20 minutes)

        9. Effective Delegation (19 minutes)

        10. Strategy and Positioning (19 minutes)

        11. Sales Training (20 minutes)

        12. The Winning Team (16 minutes)

        13. Territory Management (18 minutes)

        14. Sales Supervision (26 minutes)

        15. Skills Coaching (18 minutes)

        16. Key Accounts (14 minutes)

        17. Communication Channels (16 minutes)

        18. Sales Meetings (19 minutes)

        19. Performance Appraisals (19 minutes)

        20. The Problem Salesperson (19 minutes)

        21. High Performance Management (17 minutes)

        22. Time Management Skills (20 minutes)

        23. Leading the Action (18 minutes)

        24. Pushing to the Front (21 minutes)

      27. The Business of Life (26 minutes)

      28. The Race is On (24 minutes)

      29. Thinking Big (27 minutes)

      30. Train the Trainer (13 minutes)

      31. Advanced Sales Skills

        1. Self-Image in Selling (15 minutes)

        2. Relationship Selling (15 minutes)

        3. Building Credibility with Customers (15 minutes)

        4. Secrets of Success in Selling (16 minutes)

    8. Brendon Burchard

    9. Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

      1. Jim Rohn Weekend Event in Dallas (31 minutes)

    10. Cheryl Richardson

      1. Stand Up for Your Life (70 minutes)

    11. Chris Widener

      1. Influence – Jim Rohn Weekend in Dallas (18 minute)

      2. Leadership (38 minutes)

    12. Connie Podesta

      1. Great Questions (12 minutes)

      2. Life Would Be Easy (45 minutes)

    13. C.W. Metcalf

      1. Developing Humor Skills at Work (22 minutes)

      2. Lighten Up! (38 minutes)

      3. LIVE (46 minutes)

      4. Managing your Job and Yourself (19 minutes)

      5. When the Going Gets Tough… (24 minutes)

    14. Darren Hardy

    15. Denis Waitley

      1. Media Influence (1 minute)

      2. Self-Esteem (109 minutes)

    16. Dennis Prager

      1. Diversity through Character (15 minutes)

      2. Random Acts of Kindness – For Goodness Sake (25 minutes)

    17. Dewitt Jones

      1. Celebrate! Change your Lens, Change your Life (20 minutes)

      2. Celebrate What’s Right with the World (22 minutes)

      3. Everyday Creativity (20 minutes)

      4. Focus Your Vision (20 minutes)

      5. For the Love of It (26 minutes)

      6. Rainbow Pigeons (4 minutes)

    18. Earl Nightingale

      • The Strangest Secret (18 minutes)

      • The Top 5% (53 minutes)

    19. George Walther

      • Power Talking Part I (68 minutes)

      • Power Talking Part II (56 minutes)

    20. Grant Cardone

    21. Harvey Cook

      • Scientific Success (63 minutes) 

    22. Harvey Mackay

      • How to Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive! (46 minutes)

    23. Jack Canfield

      1. Self-Esteem and Peak Performance (86 minutes)

      2. Success Interview (26 minutes) 

    24. Jeffrey Gittomer

      • Attitude (5 minutes)

    25. Jerry Clark

      • Jim Rohn Weekend Event in Dallas (29 minutes)

    26. Jim Collins

      1. Good to Great and Level 5 Leadership (55 minutes)

      2. Good to Great by Jim Collins on Charlie Rose (30 minutes)

      3. Greatness (2 minutes)

      4. Hedgehog Concept (5 minutes)

      5. The Right People (5 minutes)

    27. Jim Rohn

      1. How to Have Your Best Year Ever

        • Part I (74 minutes)

        • Part II (72 minutes)

        • Part III (68 minutes)

        • Part IV (52 minutes)

      2. Jim Rohn Weekend Event in Dallas

        1. Design an Extraordinary Life (80 minutes)

        2. Personal Development (81 minutes)

        3. Personal Development (80 minutes)

        4. Goals Session (73 minutes)

        5. Financial Independence (69 minutes)

      3. Leadership Qualities (19 minutes)

      4. Living an Exceptional Life (46 minutes)

      5. Vintage 1970’s Weekend Event

        1. Challenge of Communication (46 minutes)

        2. Challenge of Communication (46 minutes)

        3. Challenge of Communication (47 minutes)

        4. Challenge of Communication (34 minutes)

        5. Power of Personal Development (49 minutes)

        6. Power of Personal Development (50 minutes)

        7. Challenge of Personal Achievement (47 minutes)

        8. Challenge of Personal Achievement (24 minutes)

        9. Challenge of Leadership (41 minutes)

        10. Challenge of Leadership (39 minutes)

        11.  Challenge of Leadership (60 minutes)

    28. Joel Barker

      1. Change and Leadership (32 minutes) 

      2. The New Business of Paradigms (25 minutes)

      3. The Paradigm Curve (26 minutes)

      4. The Paradigm Effect (27 minutes)

      5. Paradigm Hunting (20 minutes)

      6. Paradigm Partners (29 minutes)

      7. Paradigm Pioneers (31 minutes)

      8. Paradigm Principles (37 minutes)

      9. Tactics of Innovation (21 minutes)

      10. The Power of Vision (30 minutes)

      11. Wealth, Innovation and Diversity (32 minutes)

    29. John Cleese

      1. Bad New Interview Skills (26 minutes)

      2. Need for Constructive Criticism (19 minutes)

      3. Humor is NOT a Luxury (40 minutes)

      4. The Importance of Praise (18 minutes)

      5. The Hidden Mind (33 minutes)

      6. The Importance of Mistakes (32 minutes)

    30. John Maxwell

    31. John Wooden

      1. Pyramid of Success (25 minutes)

      2. Pyramid of Success (29 minutes)

      3. Values, Victory and Peace of Mind (56 minutes)

      4. Wooden on Leadership (11 minutes)

    32. Ken Blanchard

    33. Kevin Carroll

      • Red Rubber Ball (14 minutes)

    34. Lance Armstrong

      • Who Says We Can’t Do It (19 minutes)

    35. Les Brown

      • Step into Greatness (47 minutes)

    36. Marianne Williamson

      • Everyday Grace (127 minutes)

    37. Maxwell Maltz

      • Psycho-Cybernetics (29 minutes) 

    38. Michael Jordan

      1. Michael Jordan (1 minute)

      2. On Improvement (6 minutes)

    39. Montel Williams

      • Who Owns the Definition of You (32 minutes)

    40. Morris Massey

      • Understanding Millennials (68 minutes)

      • Understanding Millennials (89 minutes)

    41. Og Mandino

      • The Lighthouse (14 minutes)

    42. Napoleon Hill

    43. Norman Vincent Peale

      • The Power of Positive Thinking (58 minutes) 

    44. Richard Carlson

      • Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff (75 minutes)

    45. Roger Dawson

      • Business Negotiating Part I (22 minutes)

      • Business Negotiating Part II (25 minutes)

      • Business Negotiating Part III (17 minutes)

    46. Rorke Denver – Navy Seal Commander

      • 00-Rorke Denver Introduction (5 minutes)

      • 01-Rorke Denver Introduction of American Grit (1 minute)

      • 02-Introduction to Seal Training (2 minutes)

      • 03-Being Present as a Leader

      • 04-A Fighting Mentality – Lean into the Pain (5 minutes)

      • 05-Change Culture to Attract Great Talent (1 minute)

      • 06-Bite-Sized Decision Making (3 minutes)

      • 07-Concensus – Don’t Bother (3 minutes)

      • 08-Constantly Improve Your Position (3 minutes)

      • 09-To See More, Look at Less (2 minutes)

      • 10-Leaders Must Earn Respect (1 minute)

      • 11-What It Means to Be a Hero (1 minute)

      • 12-Know When to Rest (2 minutes)

      • 13-Tactical Reserve – Every Inch Counts (1 minute)

      • 14-Trident Takeways (6 minutes)

      • 15-Gates of Fire (5 minutes)

      • 16-Hard Work and Passion (7 minutes)

      • 17-The Life of a Seal (8 minutes)

      • 18-The Mindset of a Seal (11 minutes)

    47. Simon Sinek

    48. Stephen Covey

      1. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People00-Introduction Part I (6 minutes)

      2. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People00-Introduction Part II (1 minute)

      3. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People01-Character and Personality (7 minutes)

      4. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People02-Matuity Continuum (10 minutes)

      5. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People03-7 Habits Overview (7 minutes)

      6. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People04-Three-Person Process (5 minutes)

      7. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People05-7 Habits and Principles (5 minutes)

      8. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People06-Principles Govern (6 minutes)

      9. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People07-Paradigms (9 minutes)

      10. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People08-Paradigms and the Social Mirror (10 minutes)

      11. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People09-Effectiveness (9 minutes)

      12. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People10-P/PC Balance in Organizations (4 minutes)

      13. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People11-Emotional Bank Account (5 minutes)

      14. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People12-Deposits and Withdrawls (10 minutes)

      15. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People13-Conclusion (6 minutes)

      16. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People14-Application (20 minutes)

      17. The 8th Habit (45 minutes) 

      18. Leading by Example – Helen Keller

        • Introduction (3 minutes)

        • Part II (2 minutes)

        • Part III (9 minutes)

        • Part IV (6 minutes)

        • Part V (1 minute)

        • Part VI (1 minute)

      19. Journey to Discovery

        1. Part 1-Intro (1 minute) 

        2. Part II (5 minutes) 

        3. Part III (7 minutes) 

        4. Part IV (2 minutes) 

      20. Principle Centered Leadership

        1. The Case of the Mistaken Identity (14 minutes)

        2. Alternative Centers (21 minutes)

        3. Principles at the Center (13 minutes)

        4. Security from Within (22 minutes)

        5. Becoming Principle Centered (21 minutes)

        6. Facing the Reality of Where We Are (21 minutes)

        7. The Power of an Oath (12 minutes)

    49. Stephen Scott/Mentored by a Millionaire

      • 00-Intro (3 minutes)

      • 01-Mentored by a Millionaire (26 minutes)

      • 02-Your Personality Type (68 minutes)

      • 03-Software for your Brain (46 minutes)

      • 04-Techniques of Super Achievers (53 minutes)

      • 05-Vision Mapping (69 minutes)

      • 05b-Vision Mapping (6 minutes)

      • 06-Strategy of Most Successful People (48 minutes)

      • 07-No Time – No Talent – No Money (68 minutes)

      • 08-Masterful Strategy (84 minutes)

      • 09-What You Say Changes Everything (46 minutes)

      • 10-Using the Master Key (93 minutes)

      • 11-Billion Dollar Difference (79 minutes)

      • 12-Control and Accountability (63 minutes)

      • 13-Removing Fear (54 minutes)

      • 14-Dealing with Criticism (73 minutes)

      • 15-Becoming Positively Amazing (85 minutes)

      • 16-High Octane Fuel (51 minutes)

    50. Thomas Leonard

      • 5 Keys to Mastery (69 minutes)

    51. Todd Duncan

      • Power of a Promise

        1. Personal (29 minutes)

        2. Professional (20 minutes)

        3. Partner (21 minutes)

        4. Prayerful (25 minutes)

    52. Tom Peters

      1. 25 Essentials of Selling (14 minutes)

      2. Service with Soul (31 minutes)

      3. Winning the Talent War! (26 minutes)

    53. Tony Robbins

    54. Vic Johnson

      1. Jim Rohn Weekend Event in Dallas (46 minutes)

      2. Interview from Jim Rohn Weekend Event (20 minutes)

    55. Zig Ziglar

      1. 5 Steps to Successful Selling (81 minutes)

      2. Building Winning Relationships Part I (25 minutes)

      3. Building Winning Relationships Part II (20 minutes

      4. Building Winning Relationships Part III (18 minutes)

      5. Building a Healthy Self-Image Part I (21 minutes)

      6. Building a Healthy Self-Image Part II (27 minutes)

      7. Character – A Conversation with Zig Ziglar (52 minutes)

      8. Developing the Right Attitude Part I (26 minutes)

      9. Developing the Right Attitude Part II (25 minutes)

      10. Goals Program Part I (27 minutes)

      11. Goals Program Part II (8 minutes)

      12. Goals Program Part III (9 minutes)

      13. Hope: The Foundation for Change Part I (15 minutes)

      14. Hope: The Foundation for Change Part II (22 minutes)

      15. Hope: The Foundation for Change Part III (13 minutes)

      16. Over the Top: Motivation (23 minutes)

      17. Setting & Achieving your Goals (59 minutes)
