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    1. · Beyond Words for Managers (17 minutes)

    2. · Effective Management Seminar Series by Brian Tracy

      1. Executive Time Management (61 minutes)

      2. Leadership – The Critical Difference (62 minutes)

      3. Managing Meetings that get Results (58 minutes)

      4. Marketing Strategies for Fast Growth (60 minutes)

      5. Setting Business Strategy (58 minutes)

      6. Superior Sales Management (58 minutes)

    3. · Excellence in Management by Brian Tracy

      • 00-Intro (1 minute)

      • 01-Art of the General (25 minutes)

      • 02-GOSPA Method – 5 Keys to Strategic Planning (26 minutes)

      • 03-Critical Focus – Customers (25 minutes)

      • 04-Leadership Styles (25 minutes)

      • 05-Building Winning Teams (25 minutes)

      • 06-How to Hire (25 minutes)

      • 07-How to Fire (25 minutes)

      • 08-Managers Role and Goals (26 minutes)

      • 09-Leveraging Your Potential (25 minutes)

      • 10-Improving Employee Performance (26 minutes)

      • 11-Fundamentals of Motivation (26 minutes)

      • 12-Setting Your Priorities (25 minutes)

      • 13-Effective Delegation (25 minutes)

      • 14-Balancing Work and Family (26 minutes)

      • 15-The Essence of Leadership (25 minutes)

      • 16-The Leader as Strategic Thinker (25 minutes)

      • 17-Entrepreneurial Leadership (25 minutes)

      • 18-5 Steps to Self-Directed Teams (21 minutes)

      • 19-Interpersonal Communication Skills (25 minutes)

      • 20-Meetings that Produce Results (26 minutes)

      • 21-Creating a High-Trust Environment (25 minutes)

      • 22-Coaching and Counseling for High Performance (26 minutes)

      • 23-Empowering Others to Peak Performance (25 minutes)

      • 24-Managing Change Effectively (25 minutes) 

      • 25-7 Keys to Peak Personal Performance (25 minutes)

      • 26-Achieving Personal Excellence (25 minutes)

      • 27-Managerial Negotiating Skills (26 minutes)

      • 28-Superior Supervision (26 minutes)

      • 29-Effective Problem Solving (26 minutes)

      • 30-Excellent Decision Making (26 minutes)

    4. · Excellence in Supervision

      • 0-Intro (3 minutes)

      • 1-Getting Started (5 minutes)

      • 2-Managing (9 minutes)

      • 3-Communicating (6 minutes)

      • 4-Coaching (6 minutes)

      • 5-Change (6 minutes)

      • Case Studies (22 minutes)

    5. · Expectations – West Point (1 minute)

    6. · Peer Today, Boss Tomorrow (23 minutes)

    7. · The Grapevine – How Gossip Hurts the Team (30 minutes)

    8. · Managing from the Heart

    9. · Sid Story (19 minutes)

    10. · The Unorganized Manager Part I Damnation (24 minutes)

    11. · The Unorganized Manager Part II Salvation (27 minutes)
