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    Customer Service

    1. An Inside Job (23 minutes)

    2. Calming Upset Customers (18 minutes)

    3. Creating World Class Customer Service (18 minutes)

    4. Critical Focus – Customers by Brian Tracy (25 minutes)

    5. Customer Focus by Herb Kelleher (1 minute)

    6. Customer Satisfaction – The Other Half (28 minutes)

    7. Customer Service at Stew Leonard’s (15 minutes)

    8. Customers for Life (27 minutes)

    9. Dealing with Disappointed Customers (19 minutes)

    10. Demanding Customers (24 minutes)

    11. Diffusing Hostility Part I (27 minutes)

    12. Diffusing Hostility Part II (12 minutes)

    13. From Curt to Courteous on the Phone (23 minutes)

    14. Give Them the Pickle by Bob Farrell (17 minutes)

    15. Glad I Could Help (40 minutes)

    16. Handling Complaints (15 minutes)

    17. How to Handle Irate Callers (11 minutes)

    18. How to Treat Every Caller (10 minutes)

    19. Humor-Ace Ventura (2 minutes)

    20. Humor-Customers from HELL (10 minutes)

    21. Humor-Jack in the Box (1 minute)

    22. I’ll Be Back by Bob Farrell (25 minutes)

    23. In the Customers Shoes (18 minutes)

    24. Internal Customer Service (18 minutes)

    25. It’s Your Call (26 minutes)

    26. Johnny the Bagger Meeting Opener (2 minutes)

    27. Johnny the Bagger (17 minutes) r

    28. Johnny the Bagger Bonus (10 minutes)

    29. Just Incredible (17 minutes)

    30. My Customers Left Me for Someone Else (12 minutes)

    31. Positively Outrageous Service Part 1 (52 minutes)

    32. Positively Outrageous Service Part 2 (32 minutes)

    33. Proactive Customer Service (19 minutes)

    34. Profitability by Herb Kelleher (1 minute)

    35. Quality Customer Service (19 minutes)

    36. Quality Service in the Public Sector (24 minutes)

    37. Remember Me – Intro (2 minutes)

    38. Remember Me (10 minutes)

    39. Service with Soul by Tom Peters (31 minutes)

    40. Service with Soul by Tom Peters for Manufacturing (25 minutes)

    41. Service with Soul by Tom Peters for Public Service (25 minutes)

    42. Spirit of Service (16 minutes)

    43. T.H.A.N.K.S. – Enlightened Customer Service (16 minutes)

    44. Taking C.A.R.E. of Business (25 minutes)

    45. The Guest (13 minutes)

    46. The Difficult Guest (24 minutes)

    47. We Are Each Others Customers (11 minutes)

    48. What’s In It For Me (18 minutes)

    49. What’s Wrong with this Picture (17 minutes)

    50. What Customers Really Want by Lily Tomlin (18 minutes)

    51. What Do You Say? (28 minutes)
