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    1. Age Discrimination (8 minutes)

    2. Balancing Work/Family/Life (9 minutes)

    3. Clown – Respecting Differences (11 minutes)

    4. Dealing with Diversity (27 minutes)

    5. Dialogue

      1. NYT1-Communicating (25 minutes)

      2. NYT2-Cultural Understanding (25 minutes)

      3. NYT3-Between Genders (21 minutes)

      4. NYT4-Age Gaps (25 minutes)

    6. Disability Discrimination (13 minutes)

    7. Diversity Series

      • 1-On the Threshold of Change (15 minutes)

      • 2-Gender/Sexual Orientation (19 minutes)

      • 3-Race/Ethnicity/Language/Religion (18 minutes)

      • 4-Age and Physical Ability Issues (17 minutes)

    8. Gender Discrimination (10 minutes)

    9. Jack Cade’s Nightmare Part I (26 minutes)

    10. Jack Cade’s Nightmare Part II (21 minutes)

    11. Just be F.A.I.R. (17 minutes)

    12. Just be F.A.I.R. in Action (19 minutes)

    13. Leadertalk with Garrison Krause (29 minutes)

    14. M.E.E.T. on Common Ground (22 minutes)

    15. Minority Issues (7 minutes)

    16. No Advancement Due to Language (9 minutes)

    17. Not My Type – Valuing Diversity (9 minutes)

    18. Performance Appraisal (11 minutes)

    19. Sexual Orientation (8 minutes)

    20. Smarter Together Male/Female Part I (19 minutes)

    21. Smarter Together Male/Female Part II (29 minutes)

    22. We need to M.E.E.T. (30 minutes)

    23. Working Together (22 minutes)

    24. Diversity Dynamics (22 minutes)

    25. Diversity NOW (22 minutes)

    26. Diversity through Character with Dennis Prager (15 minutes)

    27. Diversity in the Workplace (16 minutes)
