• 9/11 Tributes
  • Accountability
  • Achievement
  • Adversity
  • Assertiveness
  • Attitude
  • Change
  • Character
  • Christmas
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Conflict
  • Creativity
  • Criticism
  • Culture
  • Customer Service
  • Decision Making
  • Delegation
  • Disney
  • Diversity
  • Email
  • Emotional Control
  • Engagement
  • Entreprenuership
  • Excellence
  • Executive Leadership
  • Failure
  • Family
  • Fatherhood
  • Fear
  • Financial
  • Fire Service
  • Goal Setting
  • Golf
  • Greatness
  • Human Resources
  • Humor
  • Inspirational Shorts
  • Job Search
  • Leadership
  • Leadership - Military Tactics
  • Leadership Tips (Shorts)
  • Listening
  • Management
  • Marriage/Relationships
  • Martin Luther King
  • Meetings
  • Memory/Mind
  • Mental Toughness
  • Mentoring
  • Millennials
  • Miscellaneous
  • Motherhood
  • Motivation/Morale
  • Navy Seal Tips
  • Negotiation
  • Organization
  • Parenting Skills
  • People Skills
  • Presentations
  • Problem Solving
  • Project Management
  • Public Relations
  • Quality
  • Receptionist
  • Retail
  • Safety
  • Salesmanship
  • Sales Management
  • Scouting
  • Self-Discipline
  • Self-Esteem
  • Servant Leadership
  • Service to Others
  • Strategic Planning
  • Stress
  • Success Speakers
  • Team Building
  • Time Management
  • Trust
  • Vision
  • Work
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Forum




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    1. A.C.E. It! – Solving Tough People Problems (20 minutes)

    2. Bad Apples – Introduction by James Rowan (4 minutes)

      1. Bad Apples – Introduction (3 minutes)

      2. Bad Apples 1A – Boss who Knows It All (1 minute)

      3. Bad Apples 1B – Boss who Knows It All (2 minutes)

      4. Bad Apples 2A – Customer Who Got Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed (1 minute)

      5. Bad Apples 2B – Customer Who Got Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed (3 minutes)

      6. Bad Apples 3A – A Real Team Player…NOT! (1 minute)

      7. Bad Apples 2B – A Real Team Player…NOT! (3 minutes)

      8. Bad Apples 3A – Change is Not in my Vocabulary (1 minute)

      9. Bad Apples 3B – Change in Not in my Vocabulary (2 minutes)

    3. Can You Spare a Moment? (24 minutes)

    4. Need for Constructive Criticism by John Cleese (19 minutes)

    5. Coaching and Performance Feedback Scenes (63 minutes)

    6. The Courage to Coach (18 minutes)

    7. Dealing with Misconduct (27 minutes)

    8. Dimensions of Coaching (23 minutes)

    9. Overcoming Negative Behaviors (18 minutes)

    10. Coaching Challenges

      1. Part I – Can We Talk? (9 minutes)

      2. Part II – So, You Agree with Me? (8 minutes)

      3. Part III – What’s Really Going On? (8 minutes)

      4. Part IV – Why Are We Stuck? (8 minutes)

    11. Coaching through Facilitation (27 minutes)

    12. Coaching to Build Skills (12 minutes)

    13. Coaching to Clarify Expectations (13 minutes)

    14. Coaching to Develop Motivation (10 minutes)

    15. Coaching to Encourage Flexibility (14 minutes)

    16. Coaching to Enhance Confidence (12 minutes)

    17. Coaching to Resolve Conflict (14 minutes)

    18. Feedback for Performance (24 minutes)

    19. Improving Performance through Coaching (19 minutes)

    20. Improving Performance through Empowerment (18 minutes)

    21. The Practical Coach (24 minutes)

    22. Reflection Technique/Scouting (3 minutes)

    23. SMART-START: Coaching – It Takes Work! (4 minutes)
