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    Human Resources

    1. Americans with Disability Act

      1. ADA – A Tool to Work With (15 minutes)

      2. ADA – Making the ADA Work for You (20 minutes)

      3. ADA – Tough Questions and Straight Answers (15 minutes)

      4. ADA Revisited (23 minutes)

      5. ADA and Disability Law (35 minutes)

      6. American with Disabilities Act (23 minutes)

    2. A Matter of Respect (17 minutes)

    3. Avoiding Litigation Landmines (29 minutes)

    4. Avoiding Sexual Harassment (24 minutes)

    5. Beginning Employment Relationships (15 minutes)

    6. Behavioral Interviewing – Trainer Version (14 minutes)

    7. Care and Candor – Making Performance Appraisals Work (17 minutes)

    8. Defining Business Casual (18 minutes)

    9. Discipline and Termination (15 minutes)

    10. Documenting Discipline (23 minutes)

    11. Ending Employee Relationships (13 minutes)

    12. Ethical Standards to Consider (33 minutes)

    13. FMLA – What Every Manager Should Know (16 minutes)

    14. Fair Labor Standards Act (19 minutes)

    15. Fair Labor Standards Act (23 minutes)

    16. Family and Medical Leave Act (19 minutes)

    17. Firing

      1. Care and Control – A Better Approach (20 minutes)

      2. How to Fire by Brian Tracy (25 minutes)

      3. Legal Employee Terminations (28 minutes)

    18. Getting Along with Your Co-Workers (12 minutes)

    19. Getting Along with Your Supervisor (12 minutes)

    20. Getting a Good Start (16 minutes)

    21. Harassment

      1. The Real Scene (27 minutes)

      2. In This Together (24 minutes)

      3. Harassment Is… (19 minutes)

    22. In Compliance (14 minutes)

    23. Interviewing/Hiring new Employees

      1. Bad New Interview Skills by John Cleese (26 minutes)

      2. Do I Know You? (21 minutes)

      3. Get the Whole Picture – Behavior Based Interviewing Part I (22 minutes)

      4. Get the Whole Picture – Behavior Based Interviewing Part II (14 minutes)

      5. Getting Beyond the Image (25 minutes)

      6. Hire for Attitude (18 minutes)

      7. How to Hire by Brain Tracy (25 minutes)

      8. Humor-Interviewing by Tim Conway (8 minutes)

      9. Interviewing for Industry (18 minutes)

      10. It’s Your Choice (British) (31 minutes)

      11. Legal & Effective Interviewing (22 minutes)

      12. More Than a Gut Feeling (31 minutes)

      13. SMART-START: Interviewing – Hire the Right Person (3 minutes)

      14. Virtual Job Interview (18 minutes)

    24. It’s Not Just About Sex Anymore (16 minutes)

    25. It’s the Law – The Legal Side of Management (23 minutes)

    26. Jack Cade – Double Liability Part I (19 minutes)

    27. Jack Cade – Double Liability Part II (21 minutes)

    28. Jack Cade’s Nightmare Part I (27 minutes)

    29. Jack Cade’s Nightmare Part II (17 minutes)

    30. Legal and Effective Performance Appraisals (30 minutes)

    31. Legal Issues for Managers (22 minutes)

    32. Legal Peril – 8 Management Pitfalls (22 minutes)

    33. Legally Document Employee Discipline (22 minutes)

    34. Let’s T.A.L.K. – Difficult Performance Appraisals (20 minutes)

    35. M.E.E.T. – Enforcing Zero Tolerance with Respect (10 minutes)

    36. Making Learning Stick (15 minutes)

    37. More Than a Gut Feeling – Sales (26 minutes)

    38. More Than a Gut Feeling – Manufacturing (26 minutes)

    39. More Than a Gut Feeling – Senarios (10 minutes)

    40. New Employee Orientation (21 minutes)

    41. Performance Appraisals – The Human Touch (24 minutes)

    42. Performance Appraisals – Legal & Effective (30 minutes)

    43. Performance Review – Employee’s Dream (18 minutes)

    44. Performance Review – How Am I Doing? (28 minutes)

    45. Performance Review – Manager’s Nightmares (32 minutes)

    46. Progressive Discipline (24 minutes)

    47. Recruiting and Hiring (18 minutes)

    48. Respect in the Workplace (25 minutes)

    49. Retaining Good Employees (25 minutes)

    50. Sexual Harassment – You Can Stop It (29 minutes)

    51. Sexual Harassment – A Manager’s Guide (20 minutes)

    52. Sexual Harassment – Subtle Scenes (29 minutes)

    53. Sexual Harassment – New Perspectives (13 minutes)

    54. SMART-START: Employment Law – The Manager and the Law (3 minutes)

    55. SMART-START: Harassment and Discrimination – It More Than You May Think (3 minutes)

    56. SMART-START: Performance Appraisal – What It’s Really All About (3 minutes)

    57. Substance Abuse (16 minutes)

    58. Successful Hiring – Legal Issues (36 minutes)

    59. Training with Video (13 minutes)

    60. Winning the Talent War! By Tom Peters (26 minutes)

    61. Workplace Conflict – Jack Cade (10 minutes)

    62. Workplace Privacy (15 minutes)

    63. Workplace Violence (18 minutes)

    64. You Be the Judge – Hiring Mistakes (23 minutes)

    65. You Can STOP Harassment at Work Part I (26 minutes)

    66. You Can STOP Harassment at Work Part II (24 minutes)
