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    Member Video Library
    This is a collection of videos on various topics
    to supplement your personal growth.

    , welcome to the site.
    Please select a video from the topics below:

    1. 911 Tibutes
    2. Accountability
    3. Achievement
      • 5 Steps to Goal Setting by Brian Tracy (24 minutes)
      • 7 Secrets of Success by Brian Tracy (24 minutes)
      • 10 Keys to a More Powerful Personality by Brian Tracy (64 minutes)
      • Achieving Personal Excellence by Brian Tracy (90 minutes)
      • Brian Tracy Weekend Event in Dallas Part 1 (77 minutes)
      • Brian Tracy Weekend Event in Dallas Part II (50 minutes)
      • Deseret Crossing by Brian Tracy (33 minutes)
      • Developing Personal Power by Brian Tracy (27 minutes)
      • Making It a Great Life by Brian Tracy (26 minutes)
      • Programming Yourself for Success by Brian Tracy (27 minutes)
      • Reengineering Your Life by Brian Tracy (26 minutes)
      • Science of Positive Focus by Brian Tracy Part I (57 minutes)
      • Science of Positive Focus by Brian Tracy Part II (64 minutes)
    4. Adversity
      • A Brave Heart – Boy with no legs (6 minutes)
      • Joe Montana Story (2 minutes)
    5. Assertiveness
      • Straight Talking by John Cleese (26 minutes)
      • Developing Positive Assertiveness (23 minutes)
    6. Attitude
      • Smile – Bus Driver (12 minutes)
      • Attitude – Little Thing that Makes a BIG Difference (25 minutes)
      • Take Charge of your Life (29 minutes)
      • Attitude IS Everything by Keith Harrell (66 minutes)
      • It’s Your Choice (13 minutes)
    7. Audio Recordings of Books
    8. Character
    9. Christmas
    10. Coaching
      • A.C.E. It! – Solving Tough People Problems (20 minutes)
    11. Communication
      • Betting Writing (8 minutes
      • Put it in Writing (85 minutes)
    12. Entreprenuership
      • Financial Planning for Solid Growth by Brian Tracy (80 minutes)
    13. Excellence
      • Achieving Personal Excellence by Brian Tracy (90 minutes)
    14. Executive Leadership
      • · Aligning Constituencies
    15. Failure
    16. Financial
    17. Fire Service
    18. Goal Setting
      • Goals Program by Zig Ziglar Part I (27 minutes)
      • Goals Program by Zig Ziglar Part II (8 minutes)
      • Goals Program by Zig Ziglar Part III (9 minutes)
      • Setting & Achieving your Goals by Zig Ziglar (59 minutes)
    19. Human Resources
    20. Humor
    21. Inspirational Shorts
      • A Second Chance (4 minutes)
      • Accentuate the Positive
    22. Interviewing/Testing
      • ACE the Interview (28 minutes)
    23. Leadership
      • 40 Hours – Invest in Yourself (20 minutes)
      • Working without a Script (15 minutes)
    24. Leadership Tips (shorts)
      • Accentuate the Positive (8 minutes)
    25. Management
      1. Effective Management Seminar Series by Brian Tracy
      2. Managing from the Heart
    26. Marriage/Relationships
    27. Mental Toughness
    28. Mentoring
      • Getting Mentors for Success by Brian Tracy (26 minutes)
    29. Millennials
    30. Motivation
    31. Navy Seal Tips
    32. Negotiation
      • Roger Dawson Negotiating
      • Getting to Yes
      • Negotiating Skills by Brian Tracy (26 minutes)
      • Arbitration – 7 Tests of Just Cause (53 minutes)
      • Arbitration III (61 minutes)
    33. Parenting Skills
    34. People Skills
      • A.C.E. It! – Solving Tough People Problems (20 minutes)
    35. Safety
    36. Salesmanship
      • 24 Techniques for Closing the Sale by Brian Tracy (63 minutes)
    37. Sales Management
    38. Self-Discipline
    39. Self-Esteem
    40. Servant Leadership
    41. Success Speakers
      • Bill George
        • 7 Lessons for Leading in a Crisis (7 minutes)
      • Brian Tracy
        • 5 Steps to Goal Setting (24 minutes)
        • 7 Secrets of Success (24 minutes)
        • 10 Keys to a More Powerful Personality (64 minutes)
        • Achieving Personal Excellence (90 minutes)
        • Weekend Event in Dallas Part 1 (77 minutes)
        • Weekend Event in Dallas Part II (50 minutes)
        • Challenge of Leadership (91 minutes)
        • Deseret Crossing by Brian Tracy (33 minutes)
        • Developing Personal Power by Brian Tracy (27 minutes)
        • Executive Time Management (61 minutes)
        • Financial Planning for Solid Growth (80 minutes)
        • Getting Mentors for Success (26 minutes)
        • Making It a Great Life (26 minutes)
        • Negotiating Skills (26 minutes)
        • Programming Yourself for Success (27 minutes)
        • Reengineering Your Life (26 minutes)
        • Science of Positive Focus Part I (57 minutes)
        • Science of Positive Focus Part II (64 minutes)
        • Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires (66 minutes)
        • Service Excellence (27 minutes)
        • Setting Your Priorities (24 minutes)
        • Stop Worrying, Start Living (26 minutes)
        • The Business of Life (26 minutes)
        • The Race is On (24 minutes)
        • Thinking Big (27 minutes)
        • Train the Trainer (13 minutes)
        • Sales Skills
          1. Self-Image in Selling (15 minutes)
          2. Relationship Selling (15 minutes)
          3. Building Credibility with Customers (15 minutes)
          4. Secrets of Success in Selling (16 minutes)
        • Brendon Burchard
        • Darren Hardy
        • Denis Waitley
        • Dennis Prager
        • Earl Nightingale
        • Grant Cardone
        • Jim Rohn
        • Joel Barker
        • John Cleese
        • John Maxwell
        • John Wooden
          • Wooden on Leadership (11 minutes)
        • Ken Blanchard
        • Lance Armstrong
          • Who Says We Can’t Do It (19 minutes)
        • Napoleon Hill
        • Simon Sinek
        • Stephen Covey
          • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
          • Principle Centered Leadership
        • Tom Peters
        • Tony Robbins
        • Zig Ziglar
          • Building Winning Relationships Part I (25 minutes)
          • Building Winning Relationships Part II (20 minutes)
          • Building Winning Relationships Part III (18 minutes)
          • Building a Healthy Self-Image Part I (21 minutes)
          • Building a Healthy Self-Image Part II (27 minutes)
          • Developing the Right Attitude Part I (26 minutes)
          • Developing the Right Attitude Part II (25 minutes)
          • Goals Program Part I (27 minutes)
          • Goals Program Part II (8 minutes)
          • Goals Program Part III (9 minutes)
          • Hope: The Foundation for Change Part I (15 minutes)
          • Hope: The Foundation for Change Part II (22 minutes)
          • Hope: The Foundation for Change Part III (13 minutes)
          • Over the Top: Motivation (23 minutes)
          • Setting & Achieving your Goals (59 minutes)
    42. Team Building
      • Angry Men – Teams that Don’t Quit (24 minutes)
    43. Time Management
      • Executive Time Management by Brian Tracy (61 minutes)
    44. Trust
    45. Vision
    46. Work
      • Work with Buck Rogers (4 minutes)
      • Worksmarts – Get Along, Get Noticed, Get Ahead (18 minutes)
    47. Work-Life Balance
      • Work-Life Balance by Brendon Burchard (13 minutes)
      • Celebrate What’s Right with the World by Dewitt Jones (??? Minutes)

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